
2022-04-29 16:28:27 gaozhonglp


If you came to Shanghai WEU WEU School on Halloween eve yesterday, don't think it was all a dream: The front desk, classrooms and hallways are filled with big, scary white spiders. If you came to Shanghai Weiyou WEU School before Halloween yesterday, don't think that all you saw were dream monsters, evil witches, fierce devils, or even angry birds. There are all kinds of weird, mysterious, scary and happy sounds floating around in my ears. It is a Halloween cultural activity organized by students spontaneously!


On October 27, 2020, Shanghai Weiyou WEU School organized students to wear masks and various Halloween costumes. In a colorful Halloween activity, students experienced their personality in the magic and madness of Halloween, and experienced the endless fun of Halloween culture with their parents and teachers.



Ancient Westerners believed that evil spirits would return to Earth on the night of October 31 every year. On Halloween, the gates of hell open wide. But now the Halloween, what starts is people's weird creativity and unconstrained imagination.


Therefore, in this activity, the students through makeup, costumes, became Halloween's "evil spirit," participate in a variety of carefully designed activities, such as selling all kinds of Halloween gift booths, specially prepared pumpkin sweets, candy, etc., while taking part in different interactive games, everyone enjoyed.


The activity aroused great interest of the students, in peacetime activities, we have never said and children "ghost" this topic, but in today's activities, we not only talk about "ghost", but also play "ghost", "ghost" game. Although the weather is a little hot, but every one of our teachers and children are very enjoy the activity to bring us joy. During the activity, students and teachers not only planned and organized many interesting games, but also prepared many small gifts together. Students, teachers and parents also enjoyed it and dared to try to communicate with each other and show themselves.



Through this activity, children in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, show courage, enhance the confidence of the students, but also closer to the hearts of students and teachers heart to heart distance.


This activity is organized, planned, arranged and publicized by the Student Union. In front of the school, all the activities were open, and we enjoyed ourselves very much. We were highly appreciated by all the students, parents and teachers. Thanks for the efforts of each student and the support of all the faculty and staff.
